Friday, July 11, 2008


from my congresswoman:

July 11, 2008

Dear xxx:

Thank you for contacting me about Congressman Kucinich’s impeachment efforts. I appreciate you taking the time to share your views and I want to let you know I share your bitter disappointment in the current administration.

As you are well aware, the crimes of President Bush and Vice President Cheney are numerous and they have both repeatedly violated their constitutional duties to preserve and protect the U.S. Constitution. The Administration’s handling of Hurricane Katrina, the domestic spying program, the Valerie Plame C.I.A. leak scandal, the politically motivated firings of U.S. attorneys and the use of faulty intelligence in the lead-up to the war in Iraq are all examples of the failure of the Administration to uphold the Constitution and serve the American people.

I strongly support the impeachment of both President Bush and Vice President Cheney and I was proud to be one of the first cosponsors of Congressman Kucinich’s resolution, H.Res. 333, which calls for the impeachment of Cheney. I also signed a letter to House Judiciary Committee Chairman John Conyers, urging him to begin impeachment hearings for the vice president. Further I voted to send articles of impeachment against President Bush, H.Res. 1258, to the Judiciary Committee for action. The actions of this Administration have weakened the United States’ reputation abroad and alienated citizens at home. It is time for the Administration to be held accountable for its actions and I will continue to stand strong against this president and the entire Administration.

Thank you again for sharing your concerns and please be sure to visit my website at to sign up for my e-newsletter to stay updated on this and other issues.


Yvette D. Clarke
Member of Congress

Tuesday, July 08, 2008

Straight Pride? gimme a break

this makes me mad. a hate parade right outside my front door. i plan on being out front with a rainbow flag, my obama pride tshirt in silent rebuke to these hateful bigots.

sunday, august 31, eastern parkway across from the museum and botanic garden. anybody willing to stand up with me?